It is not just Banks and large Corporate Companies that have the requirement to print in one or more languages, now a growing number of small and medium sized businesses are building a customer base outside of the UK Market, finding the need to produce business stationery and marketing collateral in a different language and often in dual languages.
The management of a foreign language requirement in a traditional way can be very truncated and expensive, especially if you add up the total time taken. We estimate that including translation the cost of a simple business card requirement can be in excess of £125! Many of our customers are now using Cognitu to manage standard high frequency requirements, such as business cards as part of their Web2Print offer.
If you use a traditional means of language translation, there can be many steps involved, including the understanding and communication of the requirement and multiple proofing stages which often result in very long email trails!In our experience a typical requirement including one set of amendments can take 11 steps before getting printed.
Using Cognitu you can reduce this down to as little as 3 steps. We can create an online environment as an extension to an existing template where the end user places the order in their default language which in turn creates a translation task that can either be carried out by someone within their Company or a third party translator that is linked to the system.
Speak to your account manager or the sales team for more information on: 0207 566 5070