20th Year Competition


To celebrate our 20th anniversary we are running a great competition that we want you to take part in.

There will be three prize winners who will have the opportunity to select a prize from the five options on below! The draw will take place on 20th December 2018.

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Submit your entry



    Pick your prize (if you win)


    How to take part

    1 – We will be sending you 6 magazines and a personalised folder
    2 – On each magazine you will find a cluster of numbers.
    3 – Place the magazine with the numbers facing forward inside the folder. As below:

    4 – Take note of the number revealed to you though the holes in the folder.
    5 – Collect all 6 magazines to reveal all 6 numbers, and then enter the draw!

    Hint: The answer is the number of hours in the past 20 years that we have invested into our web-to-print technology. It’s a lot!

    Once you have worked out all numbers simply input them below to enter the prize draw.

    Competition Terms & Conditions: