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Template Hot Tips

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Make your templates do the hard work so you don’t have to.

Below is a short guide on how to make the most out of your online templates and how to brief these in correctly.

Top Tips for building a template

  • Drop Downs – if you have multiple data sets make sure you set your template up with a drop down to keep it clean and easy.
  • Lock it down – If there is only one address needed on your product, lock it down. Less is best.
  • Profile Data – If each location will be ordering for themselves then consider using profile data so products are automatically populated based on the user or group they belong to.

Key things to remember when briefing in a template,

  • Always use the Template Wizard
  • Provide all information upfront in as much detail as possible.
  • Artwork needs to be high resolution PDFs with bleed and packaged with any fonts used.
  • Artwork should show the maximum data length and all possible fields required.

Use your existing templates Smarter

An often overlooked aspect of Cognitu’s capabilities is address books, simplifying address entry within the delivery stage, saves time and improves the ordering experience. By just supplying a spreadsheet in the correct format to the template team we can upload this into your client setups on your behalf.

Use your order history! If you frequently need purchase order number reports, cost centre spends, usage reports etc. Cognitu’s downloadable order history can help. What’s more you can even tailor the information to your needs.